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The Ultimate Guide to Building Muscle at Home for Under $100

10 June 2024

Alex Thompson



With the rising trend in home workouts, many people are searching for affordable solutions to stay fit. You no longer need a pricey gym membership to build muscle effectively. Budget fitness is not just a dream; it's a reality you can achieve with the right tools.


Key takeaway: You can effectively build muscle at home without spending a fortune. We have gathered some top picks for you.


In this guide, you'll learn about:


  • Essential home fitness equipment under $100

  • How to create a workout plan for muscle gain using these tools

  • Tips for maximizing your results on a budget


Getting fit at home doesn't have to break the bank. By carefully selecting cost-effective equipment and following a structured plan, you'll be well on your way to achieving your fitness goals.


Understanding Muscle Building


Building muscle, often referred to as hypertrophy, involves increasing the size of your muscle fibers. This process is driven by a combination of resistance training and proper nutrition. When you perform exercises that challenge your muscles, tiny tears occur in the muscle fibers. As your body repairs these tears, the muscles grow stronger and larger.


Key Factors in Muscle Growth:


Progressive Overload:

  • Definition: Continuously increasing the demands on your musculoskeletal system to make gains in muscle size, strength, and endurance.

  • Application: This can be achieved by lifting heavier weights, increasing the number of repetitions or sets, or reducing rest intervals between sets.

  • Example: If you start with 10 push-ups, try adding one more each session until you reach a higher number comfortably.



  • Importance: Regular workouts are essential for sustained muscle growth. Sporadic or inconsistent training won't yield significant results.

  • Application: Aim for a balanced routine that targets different muscle groups several times a week.

  • Example: A weekly workout plan might include upper body exercises on Mondays and Thursdays, lower body on Tuesdays and Fridays, and core work along with cardio on Wednesdays.


Rest and Recovery:

  • Muscles need time to repair and grow stronger after each workout. Adequate rest between sessions is crucial.

  • Ensure you're getting enough sleep and incorporating rest days into your routine.



  • Eating a balanced diet rich in protein supports muscle repair and growth.

  • Include sources like lean meats, dairy, beans, and nuts in your meals.


Understanding these basics sets the foundation for effective muscle building at home. By integrating progressive overload into your routine and maintaining consistency, you'll see significant improvements over time.


Essential Home Fitness Equipment Under $100


1. Bodyweight Exercises


Building muscle at home without spending a lot is entirely possible with bodyweight exercises. These exercises use your own weight to provide resistance, making them an effective and budget-friendly option for strength building.


Overview of Bodyweight Exercises


  • Push-ups: This classic exercise targets the chest, shoulders, and triceps. Variations like wide-grip push-ups, diamond push-ups, and decline push-ups can further challenge different muscle groups.

  • Squats: Known for their effectiveness in building leg muscles, squats engage the quads, hamstrings, glutes, and core. Adding variations such as jump squats or pistol squats can increase intensity.

  • Lunges: Lunges build strength in the legs and improve balance. Forward lunges, reverse lunges, and walking lunges are excellent variations to incorporate.


Incorporating Bodyweight Exercises into a Routine


To maximize muscle gain with bodyweight training:


  • Progressive Overload: Increase the difficulty over time by adjusting reps, changing angles, or adding pauses.

  • Consistency: Perform these exercises regularly – aim for at least three times a week.

  • Variety: Mix in different bodyweight movements to target various muscle groups and keep workouts engaging.


Sample Routine:


  • Push-ups: 3 sets of 12-15 reps

  • Squats: 3 sets of 15-20 reps

  • Lunges: 3 sets of 10-12 reps per leg

  • Planks: Hold for 60 seconds


By continually challenging your muscles through progressive overload and maintaining consistency in your routine, bodyweight exercises can be a powerful tool in your muscle-building arsenal.


2. Resistance Bands


When it comes to budget home gym equipment, resistance bands stand out as versatile workout tools that pack a punch without emptying your wallet. We've curated a list of the best home workout tools that won't break the bank, and resistance bands are a must-have.


Types of Resistance Bands:


  • Loop Bands: Great for targeting legs and glutes, loop bands can be used for exercises like squats, lunges, and leg lifts.

  • Tube Bands with Handles: These offer a range of resistances and are ideal for full-body workouts. Attach them to door frames or use them on their own for bicep curls, tricep extensions, and shoulder presses.

  • Therapy Bands: Often used in physical therapy, these flat bands are excellent for stretching and rehab exercises but can also be incorporated into strength training routines.


Benefits of Investing in Quality Gear Without Compromising Your Budget:


  • Affordability: High-quality resistance bands usually cost less than $30, making them one of the best fitness products for home gyms.

  • Portability: Lightweight and easy to store, resistance bands fit in any small space, perfect for those with limited room.

  • Versatility: Suitable for all fitness levels, from beginners to advanced athletes. Adjust the tension by changing the band or altering your grip.

  • Effectiveness: They provide continuous resistance throughout movements, which helps build muscle efficiently. Resistance bands target multiple muscle groups simultaneously.


Using resistance bands enhances bodyweight training by adding extra resistance to fundamental exercises. For instance, wrap a band around your back during push-ups to increase difficulty or anchor it under your feet during squats.


If you're looking to build your own home gym, resistance bands are a fantastic addition due to their affordability and versatility. Additionally, the bodyweight fitness community highly recommends incorporating resistance bands into your workout routine. They are also a popular choice among those seeking to establish a home garage gym on a budget.


Incorporating resistance bands into your home workout routine ensures you maximize muscle gain without spending a fortune.


3. Dumbbells


Dumbbells are a key part of any budget home gym equipment setup. You can't have a complete workout routine without them, as they offer flexibility for working out different muscle groups. Investing in quality gear like rubber hex dumbbells ensures durability without breaking the bank.


Recommended Exercises Using Dumbbells


Bicep Curls

  • How-to: Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, hold a dumbbell in each hand, palms facing forward. Curl the weights while keeping your elbows close to your torso.

  • Tip: Choose weights that allow you to perform 8-12 reps per set with proper form.


Tricep Extensions

  • How-to: Hold a single dumbbell with both hands, lift it over your head. Lower the weight behind your head by bending your elbows, then return to the starting position.

  • Tip: Start with lighter weights to master the movement and avoid elbow strain.


Chest Press

  • How-to: Lie on an adjustable weight bench, holding a dumbbell in each hand at chest level. Press the weights upward until your arms are fully extended, then lower back down.

  • Tip: Ensure the bench is stable and adjust the angle for varied muscle engagement.


Shoulder Press

  • How-to: Sit or stand with feet hip-width apart, dumbbells at shoulder height, palms facing forward. Press the weights overhead until your arms are straight.

  • Tip: Keep a slight bend in your knees to protect your lower back.



  • How-to: Hold a dumbbell in each hand at shoulder height or let them hang by your sides. Perform a squat by bending at the knees and hips.

  • Tip: Focus on depth and control rather than heavy weights initially.


Dumbbells offer tremendous benefits for strength training, making them one of the best fitness products for home gym enthusiasts looking to build muscle efficiently and affordably.


4. Kettlebells


Investing in kettlebells for your home gym can greatly improve your workout routine, making them a must-have in affordable home gym equipment. They provide a unique combination of strength training and cardiovascular benefits, ideal for building functional strength and endurance.


Benefits of Kettlebell Training:


  • Functional Strength: Unlike traditional weights, kettlebells have an uneven center of gravity. This makes your muscles work harder to stabilize the weight, mimicking real-life activities.

  • Cardiovascular Endurance: Intense kettlebell workouts quickly raise your heart rate. This helps improve heart health while also building muscle.

  • Versatility: From swings to squats, kettlebells can be used for many exercises that target different muscle groups.


Key Exercises to Include:


Kettlebell Swings

  • Works: Glutes, hamstrings, core

  • How to do it: Stand with feet hip-width apart. Grip the kettlebell with both hands, swing it between your legs, then thrust your hips forward to swing it up to shoulder height.


Goblet Squats

  • Works: Quads, glutes, core

  • How to do it: Hold the kettlebell by the horns close to your chest. Lower into a squat position while keeping your back straight and chest up.


Turkish Get-Ups

  • Works: Entire body with focus on core and shoulders

  • How to do it: Lie down holding the kettlebell in one hand above you. Slowly stand up while keeping the kettlebell lifted throughout the movement.


Choosing high-quality equipment like E Coat kettlebells ensures long-lasting use without overspending. Their strong coating prevents chipping and rusting, making them a smart choice for any budget-friendly gym setup.


By adding these exercises into your routine, you'll not only gain muscle but also enhance overall fitness levels, making kettlebells one of the top fitness tools for a complete home gym experience.


5. Sandbags


Sandbags are a versatile and effective tool in your budget home gym equipment arsenal, offering numerous benefits for improving overall strength. By incorporating asymmetrical loading, sandbags challenge your muscles to stabilize and adapt, promoting functional strength that translates well into daily activities.


Benefits of Sandbag Training:


  • Functional Strength: Unlike traditional weights, sandbags shift and move as you lift them, requiring multiple muscle groups to engage for stability.

  • Versatility: You can perform a wide range of exercises with sandbags, making them a comprehensive tool for both strength and conditioning workouts.

  • Affordability: Compared to other fitness products, sandbags are cost-effective while offering robust training benefits.


Key Exercises with Sandbags:


Sandbag Deadlift

  • How-to: Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, grip the sandbag handles, and lift it by extending your hips and knees simultaneously.

  • Muscles Targeted: Hamstrings, glutes, lower back.


Sandbag Clean and Press

  • How-to: Lift the sandbag from the ground to your chest (clean), then press it overhead.

  • Muscles Targeted: Shoulders, arms, core.


Sandbag Carry

  • How-to: Hold the sandbag close to your body and walk a set distance.

  • Muscles Targeted: Core, legs, arms.


Sandbag Squats

  • How-to: Hold the sandbag at chest level and perform squats.

  • Muscles Targeted: Quadriceps, glutes, core.


Investing in quality gear like a DVRT sandbag ensures you get durable equipment without breaking the bank. With these fundamental exercises, you can build functional strength effectively at home.


6. Jump Ropes


Investing in quality gear for your budget home gym doesn't mean you need to compromise on effectiveness. Jump ropes are a prime example of affordable gym equipment that packs a punch in your workout routine. While they're often associated with cardio benefits, jump ropes offer much more.


Benefits Beyond Cardio


Jumping rope improves coordination, agility, and balance. The rhythmic nature of skipping demands precision and timing, enhancing these skills over time. Speed rope workouts can also help with footwork and hand-eye coordination, making them invaluable for athletes across various sports.


Suggested Jump Rope Exercises and Routines


Incorporating jump rope exercises into your workout can be both fun and challenging. Here are a few routines to try:


  • Basic Jump: Perfect for beginners. Start with two feet together, jumping just high enough for the rope to pass underneath.

  • Alternate Foot Step: Mimics running in place. Alternate feet with each jump, increasing the intensity.

  • High Knees: Great for an added challenge. Lift knees higher with each jump, engaging your core muscles.

  • Double Unders: Advanced move. Swing the rope twice under your feet for every jump; this requires more speed and coordination.


Creating a varied jump rope routine helps keep things interesting while targeting different muscle groups. For instance:


  • Warm-Up: 3 minutes of basic jumps

  • Interval Training: 30 seconds of high knees followed by 30 seconds rest, repeated for 5 minutes

  • Skill Practice: 5 minutes working on double unders


Jump ropes are undoubtedly one of the best fitness products for a home gym setup on a budget. Their versatility makes them ideal for bodyweight training and fundamental exercises without taking up much space or breaking the bank.


7. Ab Rollers


Effective core strengthening doesn't have to be complicated. The ab roller, an essential piece of budget home gym equipment, can significantly enhance your core workouts without emptying your wallet. Investing in quality gear like the Vinsguir Ab Roller ensures you get the best fitness products for home gym setups while sticking to your budget.


Benefits of Using an Ab Roller:


  • Enhanced Core Strength: The ab roller targets multiple muscle groups, including the rectus abdominis, obliques, and lower back muscles. This comprehensive engagement helps in building a strong and stable core.

  • Improved Stability and Balance: Regular use of an ab roller can improve your overall stability and balance by strengthening the muscles that support your spine.

  • Versatile Exercises: Beyond traditional rollouts, you can incorporate variations like knee rollouts, single-arm rollouts, and oblique rollouts to keep your routine dynamic and challenging.


Variations to Try:


Knee Rollouts:

  • Start on your knees with the ab roller on the floor in front of you.

  • Roll the wheel forward while keeping your back straight.

  • Extend as far as possible without touching the ground with your chest.


Single-Arm Rollouts:

  • Hold the ab roller with one hand.

  • Roll forward while maintaining balance and stability.

  • This variation intensifies the workout by forcing each side of your body to work independently.


Oblique Rollouts:

  • Begin in a standard rollout position.

  • Roll out diagonally to target your obliques.

  • Alternate sides for a balanced workout.


Incorporating an ab roller into your routine provides exceptional benefits without compromising your budget. It's one of those affordable gym equipment items that offer substantial returns on investment, making it a staple in any effective bodyweight training regimen.


8. Pull-Up Bars


Investing in a pull-up bar is a game-changer for your budget home gym. These affordable gym tools aren't just about convenience; they offer a gateway to significant upper body strength development. Pull-ups and chin-ups, fundamental exercises in bodyweight training, engage multiple muscle groups including the back, shoulders, arms, and core.


Benefits of Pull-Up Bars:


  • Upper Body Strength: Regular use of pull-up bars can drastically improve your upper body strength. By performing pull-ups and chin-ups, you target the latissimus dorsi (lats), biceps, and forearms.

  • Core Stability: Though primarily an upper body exercise, pull-ups also engage your core muscles, enhancing overall stability.

  • Versatility: With doorway pull-up bars, you can perform various exercises like hanging leg raises or knee tucks for added core work.


Incorporating Pull-Up Bars into Your Routine:


  • Start Small: If you're new to pull-ups, begin with assisted variations using resistance bands. Loop a band over the bar and place your foot or knee in it to reduce the load.

  • Gradual Progression: Aim to increase your repetitions gradually. Start with sets of 2-3 reps if needed and work your way up.

  • Variety is Key: Mix up your grip positions—try wide grip, close grip, or even neutral grip (palms facing each other) pull-ups to target different muscles.

  • Consistency Matters: Integrate pull-ups into your weekly workout plan at least twice a week for consistent progress.


Pull-up bars are among the best fitness products for home gyms because they provide immense value without breaking the bank. Prioritizing quality gear ensures longevity and effectiveness in your workouts while keeping costs low. Whether you're setting up a comprehensive home gym or just looking to enhance your bodyweight training routine, a pull-up bar should be high on your list.


9. Yoga Mats


Investing in a quality yoga mat is essential for safety and comfort during workouts, especially when you're setting up a budget home gym. A reliable mat should never be an afterthought, as it plays a crucial role in various exercises that require floor support.


Benefits of investing in a quality yoga mat:


  • Safety: A non-slip surface reduces the risk of slips and falls.

  • Comfort: Enhanced padding offers support for your knees, elbows, and back.

  • Durability: High-quality materials ensure longevity, even with regular use.


Suggested floor exercises that benefit from using a mat:


Plank Variations

  • Standard Plank

  • Side Plank

  • Forearm Plank


Core Workouts

  • Bicycle Crunches

  • Leg Raises

  • Russian Twists


If you're looking for comprehensive core workouts, these deep core exercises can help you strengthen those hard-to-reach muscles effectively.


Flexibility Routines

  • Cat-Cow Stretch

  • Child's Pose

  • Seated Forward Bend


Strength Training

  • Push-Ups

  • Tricep Dips (using a sturdy chair alongside)


For beginners who want to target their abs specifically, this article on abs workout for beginners provides valuable insights and exercises.


  • Glute Bridges

  • Yoga and PilatesDownward Dog

  • Warrior Poses

  • Pilates Hundred


Using a yoga mat enhances the effectiveness of these exercises by providing stability and comfort, turning any space into a functional workout area without breaking the bank. Finding the best fitness products for your home gym can elevate your bodyweight training experience while maintaining affordability.


Investing wisely in fundamental equipment like a quality yoga mat ensures you won't compromise on safety or comfort, making it easier to stick to your fitness routine consistently. If you're interested in exploring more bodyweight exercises that work out every part of your body, this resource can provide further guidance.


10. Balance Trainers


Balance trainers, such as the Bosu Balance Trainer, are invaluable additions to your budget home gym equipment. These versatile tools cater to both cardio and strength training workouts, enhancing your balance and coordination through a myriad of exercises.


Versatile Uses:


  • Cardio Workouts: Incorporating balance trainers into aerobic routines helps boost cardiovascular health while also engaging core muscles. For instance, practicing mountain climbers or jump squats on a balance trainer can elevate your heart rate and challenge your stability.

  • Strength Training: Balance trainers add an extra layer of difficulty to traditional strength exercises by introducing an element of instability. This forces you to engage more muscle groups for stabilization. Try performing push-ups, planks, or lunges on a balance trainer to enhance muscle activation.


Enhancing Balance and Coordination:


  • Core Stability: By consistently using a balance trainer, you can significantly improve core strength and stability. Exercises like the single-leg stand or Bosu ball crunches target your abdominal muscles while also working on your equilibrium.

  • Functional Fitness: Activities that mimic daily movements—such as bending, lifting, or twisting—become easier and safer with improved balance and coordination. Standing leg lifts or side lunges on a balance trainer can help you achieve this.


Investing in quality gear doesn’t mean breaking the bank. By carefully selecting affordable gym equipment like balance trainers, you’re setting yourself up for success without compromising your budget.


Creating an Effective Workout Plan for Muscle Gain at Home Using These Tools


Structuring a Weekly Workout Schedule


To build muscle effectively, consistency is key. Here's a sample weekly schedule that incorporates all the equipment discussed:


Monday: Upper Body


  • Push-Ups: 3 sets of 15 reps

  • Resistance Band Rows: 3 sets of 12 reps

  • Dumbbell Bicep Curls: 3 sets of 10 reps

  • Pull-Ups/Chin-Ups: 3 sets of max reps


Tuesday: Lower Body


  • Bodyweight Squats: 3 sets of 20 reps

  • Kettlebell Goblet Squats: 3 sets of 15 reps

  • Sandbag Lunges: 3 sets of 12 reps each leg


Wednesday: Core & Cardio


  • Ab Roller Exercises: 3 sets of max reps

  • Jump Rope Intervals: 30 seconds on, 30 seconds off for 10 minutes


Thursday: Rest or Active Recovery


  • Light stretching or yoga on your mat to stay limber.


Friday: Full Body Strength


  • Kettlebell Swings: 4 sets of 20 reps

  • Dumbbell Shoulder Press: 3 sets of 12 reps

  • Resistance Band Deadlifts: 4 sets of 15 reps


Saturday: Balance and Coordination


  • Balance Trainer Squats: 3 sets of 15 reps

  • Plank Holds on Balance Trainers: Hold for as long as possible, repeat thrice


Sunday: Rest


Sample Workout Plan Duration Recommendations


Each exercise session should last about 45 minutes to an hour. Focus on proper form and controlled movements. Warm-up with light cardio and stretches before you start, and cool down afterward to minimize soreness.


By following this plan, you can achieve an effective muscle-building routine at home without breaking the bank. Remember, consistency and progressive overload are your best friends on this journey.

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